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A Scientific Detective Story

The Orphan Tsunami of 1700

A Scientific Detective Story

The 316th Anniversary of a Devastating Event

The Orphan Tsunami of 1700, a massive earthquake and tsunami that devastated the Pacific Northwest coast of North America, is the subject of a new scientific detective story in its second edition. The book tells the story of the devastating waves that crossed the Pacific Ocean and reached Japan in about 9 hours.

The earthquake, which struck on January 26, 1700, was the largest ever recorded in North America. It triggered a tsunami that reached heights of up to 30 feet in some areas. The waves devastated coastal communities from California to Alaska, and as far away as Japan.

In the years since the tsunami, scientists have been working to piece together what happened. The new edition of The Orphan Tsunami of 1700 includes the latest research on the earthquake and tsunami, as well as new insights into the impact of the event on Native American communities.
